Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What's new?

I have been following post election coverage and looking for other blogs that are discussing the aftermath. I found this blog about how the republicans mourning with the loss.

I would love to hear and see what other things are being said out there!

Where are the people trying to secede from the Union?

If you know any site or blogs please post the links in the comments.


  1. The Republican Party doesn't need ro rebuild. Over the past 12 years you have witnessed its 3 main sectors wreak havoc on our economy and country. Military in the Bush Era, Tea Party in Obama's first term, and Big Business wanting less regulation like criminals want less cops. The Republican Party needs to evolve and move further left. But I've been watching Fox News since the election and it doesnt look like that'll happen. Therefore, I predict the demise of the Republican Party on a national level like the whig party formerly.

  2. Great blog find! That's a funny site. But, I'll point out that it wasn't just white people mourning Mitt Romney, that there were minorities who supported him as well.
