Friday, August 31, 2012

Fail Friday

Last night was the final night of the Republican Convention filled with stories about how Mitt Romney and his past. This has been the part of the convention where they begin to tell his story to the american public. He is looking to reintroduce himself and show what he can do for the country. They brought in a surprise guest to draw more attention to the night as well. Clint Eastwood was the surprise and he brought with him a skit of comedy and dry wit. Some say that he truly fell flat on his face and was not what was needed on the final night. From what I saw he used comedy and his dry wit to energize the base and make fun of the President.

 If you missed it watch it on Youtube. Let me know how you think it went and if Clint should have actually been a speaker at the convention.

 Hope you find it entertaining.I welcome comments.

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