Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beware the Romney Ad Machine!

It is not surprising seeing all of the coverage of Mitt Romney in the past week cause a slight dip in the polls because of the missteps this past week. The election is far from over though. I have seen new ads from the Romney campaign that may possible bring more voters to his side. The topic of these new ads, that will be run in the battle ground states, is the United States coal industry and the effects that the Obama administration policies have had so far and threaten to do in the future. Romney is truly showing that he can fight back and will be using his energy policy to show how Americans are not better off than they were 4 years ago.

The debate here is over the effect of the Clean Air Act on the United States coal industry. With higher regulations on emissions and the financial burdens that these regulations have on power plants have basically made building new coal fired power plants too expensive of a venture. Not to mention the continued regulations and inspections that would come with operating the plant. It is the Romney campaigns position that these regulations restrict business growth.  The noose of governed regulation should be loosened to allow for small business growth and the creation of new jobs. This message is very apparent in the new advertising and will no doubt bolster support for Romney in blue collar and rural america.

Watch these ads. Listen to the message that is being portrayed and you will see that they are powerful.  The Election is no where near over just because of a couple missteps. I can already see Romney trying to use his mistakes to change the message back to the economy and tax policy. Both issues that the GOP brand that continues to resonate with the American public.


  1. Your an idiot.

    The American People

    1. you're*

      Looks like you're the idiot here.

      Not an asshole

  2. Yea Romney isn't down for the count just yet. He has taken some punches but overall he still has more rounds left in him. With multiple arguments against the current administration tucked away in is back pocket that can level the playing field, its going to be a very exciting 47 days.

    -Average Voter

  3. While I disagree with Mr. Gallagher on the notion that this election is far from over (citing past Septembers in election years), it baffles me that someone would result to insults, while doing it incorrectly! Stand up for what you believe in, but do it in a constructive manner, not a demeaning one! Be the change in the world that you want to see, don't be petty or rude! - Proud Democrat and Obama Supporter.

  4. Regardless of political status, obligations, pro gay or guns, pro life or choice, I would not vote for someone who doesn't care about the 47% of America, rich or poor, who openly states the disdain and lack of knowledge to say that they just didn't make it. That's elitist mentality, and when you have had everything handed to you on a silver platter, killed American jobs and the opportunity to make a living, I just don't see how you would have a leg to stand on.

  5. To generalize that large portion of voters is preposterous. America is built upon diversity, and if you think you can lump 47% of voters together, who all affiliate with different religions, economic statuses, race and ethnicities, genders and education backgrounds, you really are not fit to represent the American people.
