Friday, October 12, 2012

VP Debate Recap...What's Next?

Last night was an a very interesting debate.

For one they were sitting down. I find that set up very odd and hard to think of as a debate. When I think of a debate I see both candidates standing at podiums some distant apart and arguing back and forth. It was odd that they were so close to each other. 

Second Biden was let out of the cage and was on full out attack the entire night. He interrupted and directly called Paul Ryan out on not being very specific with his economic plans while using facts as much as possible. 

Third Paul Ryan was a strong defender of what he and Romney would bring to the oval office. He even had strong points to attack the current administration.

And Finally the Moderator was very strong on the time limits and pushed both gentlemen to stay on topic. With all the issues of the first debate this moderator held her ground and forced the debate to address all topic areas. 

Overall I deem the debate a TIE! That's right there was no specific winner or loser. Biden struck back while Ryan held his ground. Both men did what they needed to do last night and both campaigns can now prepare for the next debate next Tuesday. 

What does this mean for the Election? 

This debate really wont have much effect over all. The Vice President is not who people vote for the go for the top of the ticket. So this debate is only a chance for campaigns to really lose ground rather than surge off of.

While looking for more understanding of the election I found another blog that you can check to see what states are truly battle grounds and see polling data.

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